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Suicide And My Soul: A Poem 1 Minute Before Suicide

Abandoned in an email in 2019, “Suicide And My Soul” finally made it to the press to share the exposé of Udo and Ayo, the next target of suicide.

Statistics from World Health Organisation (WHO) shows that the world records more than 700,000 death annually as a result of suicide.

“Suicide And My Soul: A Poem 1 Minute Before Suicide” is not just a poem but a book on a mission. The poem is an exposé of two characters named Udo and Ayo.

Suicide is a fight between both parties, and you have to decide where you stand as an onlooker. Every flip of this poem delves into human psychology and helps you determine who should win the fight.

With a unique approach, this 36-stanza poem takes you on a journey of self-evaluation, following captivating stories of Udo and Ayo. It inspires and fosters hope, faith, optimism, and endurance – essential elements of emotional and spiritual well-being.

This poem is a must-read for every human living at the moment. And if the dead could read, every victim of suicide must have a copy. Even if you have already given up on life, make sure you read this 36-stanza poem to the end.

The author is on a mission to curb suicide globally. You can join in the fight with the hashtag #SuicideAndMySoul.


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